{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf470 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Cambria;\f1\froman\fcharset0 TimesNewRomanPSMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red26\green26\blue26;}...
Live with head held high, my brother... Born in the land of Telugu, so walk tall among the world... Offer prayers with devotion to Mother Telugu for giving birth and raising you... Be proud of this...
sooo, I started the Gangster Pirate crew a few years ago umm.. I just felt that there were some of us who weren't excepted by society sooo, its now a group that welcomes each other and I just...
Are you filming a documentary? Down the River - Student film... do (not) take this too seriously. We're going to the Elephant Cliff Waterfall on the seventh level. What are you filming? -...



>> Shaun: My name is Shaun Branny. I am from the HP Lovecraft Historical Society, and we're here at Mount Holyoke College making a motion picture of the HP Lovecraft story...



I would say that A/C Day is one of the biggest events that Mount Holyoke hosts in the spring. And just because in numbers we draw the biggest crowds and it's definitely something that the Five...



She was at the Cannes Film Festival for this publicity shoot in Monaco and that morning found that there was an electricity strike at the hotel so everything she had was wrinkled. She couldn't...
The Village at New Smyrna Marina,, For Sale Florida Call me for more info 386-527-5358 and for showings!!! Let me sell you a lifestyle and a home!! ☑ Full Service Marina - Gas & Diesel (Fuel...
Love is in the air, so I'll share my tips for producing beautiful wedding films. How to book your first client, setting up cameras and microphones, and editing sure to make brides and grooms...
[LUNA] Hello, this is f(x)'s "vitamin," Luna! How did you like the first performance of 'Rum Pum Pum Pum'? Tomorrow <Naver Music Spoiler: PLAY! PINK...