Fertility, conception & pregnancy

Everyone wants to know how to workout before you get pregnant to know how you can get fit fast after your baby's been delivered. Here's the truth. You have to be fit before baby. You...
Hi, my name is Sharon Kastoriano and I am a Fertility and Pregnancy Acupuncturist. And I want to reach out to the women who are over 40 and trying to get pregnant and facing some difficulties. I want...
So the medical definition of infertility is the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. We recommend that couples be evaluated for infertility if the female is less than...
In order to determine if you are a candidate for IUI, the female needs to undergo an assessment of her tubal functioning. The Fallopian tubes are the transportation in the pelvis of the eggs and sperm...
How do I make a baby? uh... um... ah... Well a man and a woman gets together and becomes one and they make a baby together ah... by having sex ... sex ... by having an egg fertilized by a sperm they...
[Why Is It So Hard To Get Pregnant] of you we lost my strength few chest only six of us I okay you can call him if you make it clap he crazy my yeah you few yeah sackcloth small towns yeah huh you %ah...
BlueGnome's 24sure technology has recently been shown to significantly increase pregnancy rates in IVF patients. Professor Alan Handyside is Head of Preimplantation Genetics at BlueGnome. He...
Have you been trying to get pregnant but haven't been so successful? I'm Dr. Jill from Tampa, Florida telling you how to deal with the struggle of trying to conceive. Getting pregnant...
planning for a baby preparing for pregnancy planning before you get pregnant planning before you get pregnant is very important simply put the help your you are as you are planning a pregnancy...