Hi Doctor Sadi Erfani here Plastic surgeon with Spirit Lift Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Here to talk to you today about Fractionator fractional co2 laser resurfacing Fractional laser resurfacing is a...
Poor Mary. She was feeling older, haggard, and unappreciated. When she looked in the mirror, she did not like what she saw. These days, an older woman was looking back at her in the mirror. Mary knew...
San Diego Face Lifts Are you looking to restore your youthful appearance? Do you want to look as young as you feel? A face lift in San Diego may be something to consider. Our San Diego cosmetic...
Hello, my name’s Adrian Richards, I’m a plastic surgeon and I’m the surgical director of Aurora Clinics. My background is in plastic surgery and now I tend to specialise mostly in cosmetic surgery....
Hello, my name’s Adrian Richards, I’m a plastic surgeon and I’m the surgical director of Aurora Clinics. Today I’m going to be talking about the SMAS. In a previous video, I talked about the SMAS,...
Welcome to the Vitalife show. I'm doctor Janine Bowring and please do check out all of our videos I have a lot of videos out there on the VitaLife show. Different episodes all about how to...
More commonly with each passing day, I have patients come in and ask me what is stem cell facelift and stem cell facelift is an interesting way to talk about fat transfer or microlipoinjection,...
The ideal candidate for a mini facelift is person who is just starting to show some sagging in their jaws or someone who has got some significant sagging in their jaws down to their lower neck. The...
Should I get a lower or full face lift? I'm 61 (62 in April) and am considering a lower face lift. I don't mind the lines around my eyes, but I have never liked my neck even when I was...
About 2 or 3 years ago I started to think about having a facelift. I met Dominic and really once I met him that was it. He is so passionate about what he does. I just wanted to look nice for my age...