English subs by couchpotato812 I was too nervous! You danced so well even with your nerves! Today's too exciting! They're really pros. Everytime they talk, you can tell they're...
English subs by couchpotato812 During production of this week's episode, the news that Han Geng wishes to terminate his contract with SM Entertainment Quickly swept through all Asian media. We...
English subs by couchpotato812 Thank you. For you. Very romantic. Next? Who do we get now? How about this? We've had dancing, singing, instruments... Next we'll have our most handsome...
English subs by couchpotato812 Right now Super Junior-M is on our stage... Some are singing, some are writing Chinese calligraphy. So blissful! "Patiently waiting." Hey, he writes...



English subs by couchpotato812 Okay, we're moving straight on to our next segment... They've shown their stuff and you've been satisfied. But I haven't shown mine. Then...



You’re a historic class two thousand nine because you have been seniors in this historic year Singing: Ain't gunna let nobody turn me around No, turn me around Ain't gunna let nobody...
[ Music ] [ Background noise ] >> When we look up at clouds and see what's immediately above our heads we see localised phenomena. When you zoom up and look at them from space...



SOYUZMULTFILM, 1955 <i>AN EXTRAORDINARY MATCH</i> directed by Boris Dezhkin, Mstislav Pashchenko written by Mstislav Pashchenko Dear children! In the toy department of our...



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Relentless forward motion is nothing more than a tenacious pursuit towards an ambitious goal that most people, most ordinary people would consider it to be unattainable Our first star of these...