“I think dollar store services did a great job of picking products that aren’t handled by the competitors in our location. You know, they tailored the store to not be in competition with everybody...
on dena the the the the section on wall street area you shouldn't in fact the variations awlbayes trampling excuses phone sometimes the place this id man overtimes replaces listen to the...
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The United Nations passed a resolution last week that aims to launch an investigation into alleged human rights abuses in North Korea. So just how bad is the situation in the North? And will the UN...
Hello and welcome to African Elements. In this episode, Did the Civil War End Slavery?: An Assessment of the Reconstruction. Despite President Lincolnís initial apprehension, African Americans fought...
hello this is Kevin Annett it's Sunday September 29th this is an urgent action request going out all over the world today on behalf of one of our key activist Stephen Finney who was arrested...
The President: The American people sent us here to govern. They sent us here to make sure that we're doing everything we can to make their lives a little bit better -- to create new jobs, to...
Greetings. Greetings, my genetomate. How was your day Ferrying humans across the grid? [ cones hum ] acceptable. Tips could have been better. Ahh! The impending cone prepares For its emergence. Ahh!...