Dan-dini dan-dini dastana Into the garden the calves did stray. Gardener quickly chase them away. They will eat the cabbages without delay, Huuu- huuu- huuu Dan-dini dan-dini A moon is born from a...
with my mother before becoming a large enough to explore the world on my own like my Marine cousins are you skills to exchange gases to breeze I require poised environments to Brady's and...
The day you lost him, I slowly lost you too For when he died, he took a part of you No time for farewells, no chances for goodbyes No explanations, no fucking reasons why I watched it eat you up,...
Hello, welcome to my YouTube channel; How To In A Few! My name is Dan Scheer. I am a science teacher by day but in my spare time I like to make do-it-yourself videos and how-to videos to show you how...



What was l saying about the... (Alicia) An agenda. An agenda, l have an agenda. [sighing] Which is that l have to immediately, um, increase the ad pages here by 20 percent. 20 percent? Carter, only a...