Your carpets provide comfort, warmth, and value to your home. They may also be the largest investment in your home, and just like any other investment they should be protected and maintained. No one...
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My name is John Sorkin, I’m a family law mediator - I’ve been a mediator since 1990. I practice law in Weston, Florida with my wife who’s also an attorney and we practice primarily family law. One of...
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My name is Brenda Di Ioia and my business is South Florida Alternative Dispute resolution. We specialize in resolving disputes of state and federal level, do mostly mediations, arbitrations special...
My name is Bob Coury and I’m in the insurance and employee benefits business. I do insurance and employee benefits for South Florida professionals and I have done that for the past 36 years - all of...



My name is Kristine Johnson. I've been practicing in the area of Family Law and Real Estate Law for about fifteen years. I have my own practice - I started in Pembroke Pines, my office is now...
I'm Cindy Vova and I'm with the Law Offices of Cindy S. Vova PA, located in Plantation, Florida. I've been practicing law almost twenty eight years. I went to Emory University...