[music] This week's Music Monday is the Alien Debut edition with EXO-K's 'Mama' [music] WOOOOAH! After 10,000 teasers and prologues and singles that aren't...
his rec center or on of like i said collaborative bait i never thought this was going to change the dynamic the presidential race but i also didn't anticipate that really the only two things...



>> You have arrived at J&A Café and take a seat at a table. While waiting for the waiter, you start reading the menu. >> Can I take your order? >>...



You do need bottom-eating fish for your aquarium. The fish that are associated with eating on the bottom are typically catfish. A lot of the catfish get very large, so keep that in mind when...
We are having pizza tonight. And, you know what, as much as I love all the Korean food in my neighborhood - and there are some awesome stuff - and even beyond Korean food (there is Japanese food,...
One of our most frequently asked questions on our social networking sites and on our tours is, "do big cats like tigers and lions purr?" This is a longstanding question and there is...
[MUSIC IN] DIRECTOR: Quiet on the set, please. [SOUND] Television static BARBARA: You’re gonna get to make something that’s called the Big Production. KRISTEN [TO YOUTH]: It’s going to be a...
Hi I'm Andrea Nakayama and welcome to Get Your Big Ask in Here, where functional physiology meets holistic health and nutrition. Today's Big Ask is from Marcia. Marcia wants to know...
00:00 baby girl tasting lemon. 00:03 baby's father laughing. 00:19 baby boy eating lemon. 00:21 baby's mother sayin "Ohh you like it" 00:39 baby boy eating lemon....
Is it bad to eat boogers? Not if you want to end a bad date or just gross someone out. I meant to ask if it was bad for your health. Your nose has hairs intended to act like air filters. They catch a...