My goal in this video and the next video is to start giving a sense of the scale of (really, just) the Earth and the solar system, and as we see as we start getting into (like) the galaxy and the...
Unlike every other planet in our solar system, Earth's surface is 70% liquid water, which while useful for life, is also kind of weird, because everything we know about how and when our planet...
The earth is over 4 billion years old But did you know the surface of the earth is actually much younger? How is it possible that such an old rock has a young surface? Beauty cream or plastic surgery?...
in 2015, earth was attacked A good fight was put, but half the population was killed after two years of war, we won. word but summers told her salute new world government special police force just...
[MUSIC PLAYING] PAUL LEWIS: Well, hello everyone and welcome to this GDL on Hobbit: A Journey Through Middle-earth. Now I actually have the team with me from North Kingdom in Sweden who built the...
Polygons are useful for highlighting features or creating 3D objects in Google Earth. To add a polygon, select the Polygon Icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen. Or, select ‘Add’, ‘Polygon’....



Hi everyone from AC News! Here is the trailer of Another Earth, today’s news is coming up! Presented at the Sundance Film Festival, Another Earth is a sci-fi film written and directed by Mike Cahill....
The viewshed tool in Google Earth Pro version 7.1 can be a used by a wide variety of industry professionals. Whether you want to see the visual impact of a building project on surrounding properties,...
Paths are useful for recording linear movements within your maps and reduce the need for constant mouse clicking. They can also be saved as tours. To add a path, select the ‘Path’ icon from the...
The Google Earth Connection Utility is a tool included with MapInfo Professional that allows you to export MapInfo Professional data to Google Earth. Depending on how you export the data, it will...