Hello, this is Steven Vargas with Expert Village. In this series we'll be going over how to create an exercise routine while on vacation. In this clip we'll be going over how to...



Pennsylvania spent a million dollars on ads promoting voted the voter suppression law blocked by the courts this is great so they wasted a million bucks pretty much there was a movie about a model of...
you know manscaping which the whole idea love man getting pedicures manicures eyebrows done waxing all these things arm you know staking on a new role and now there's a new business that in...
[music intro] What's up guys, Jeff Cavaliere from athleanx.com! Coming out this week with something, kind of targeting a little more on specific area. Last week we did The Expendables workout,...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Easy Steps to a Great Figure\par \par I remember the...
Hey, Vsauce, Michael here, and I'm sure that we all love to have fun with hand shadows, but how much does a shadow weigh? It might sound like a silly question, because it is. I mean, a shadow cannot...
So this how we set up a weight belt for scuba diving. We want to make sure that the inside of the belt is going to go towards the inside of our body. We have a curved side of the weight, which is...