Le drapeau des États-Unis d'Amérique a été adopté le 4 juillet 1960, suite à l'intégration de l’Hawaï le 21 août 1959 comme 50ième État. Il se compose de treize bandes horizontales...
Welcome to this new video, which will focus on the transformations for the basic block pattern. As you know, your block pattern is the starting point that represents your body in two dimensions, which...
This video shows how to create various basic shapes using the Shell Tool. The first one is a Cone, for which we need to use the Revolved geometry method. We draw a slanted line for the Profile...
Welcome everybody in my wonderful kitchen Now that we are clearly into the mediatic "no man's land" of the summer time So, i would invit, you who don't have any...
&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz "ozv W474dm qUu% EsCsFG7 ]Y~u> R;sPA Vox~ \)Yc k#S)i G2f6? A8=GcL#q F U; {W<M "1&? Kq1IVHb }FjY `s~!...



So initially, you need to do the upper part of the eyelid. YOU Continue with lower eyelid and blacken out the lines YOU MADE The iris of the eye. I'll do to the left WE WILL THEN CONTACT THE...



Welcolme to this tutorial Mangart.fr ! You will see how to draw a kick pose ! You can see a new pose tutorial every week on my Channel Youtube or my website www.mangart.fr ! Let's go ! The...
Hello Everybody, this Katikut This time it won't be a drawing tutorial, but I wanted to take the time to talk about tablets (graphics tablet). This is very in fashion, and I'd like to...