I close my eyes Wish to sleep At night my dear, you look so sweet Ice Angel, why are you so cold? Ice Angel, it doesn't matter what you said to me I feel the coldness of your breath I see the...



When I was a kid, and I saw the promo materials for this movie...my first thought was, �Hey, they made a movie about Sting!� Should tell you something about my interests. I watched more wrestling...
Why is it gone? What are you looking for? I've found it Is your hand alright? It's caught, it's okay Could you pull it out? Yes Would my hand be in the way? No You could put it...
I really have seen a ghost this morning He didn't lie to us Wait, one more victim is here Don't know where this piece of iron came from If not for this railing, I could have avoided it...
We get on well let's chat back at the mental institute Come on No, let me go Is there someone this brave nowadays? Do you know where he lives? Zhong Guang mental hospital I'll look for...
This is your last chance. Renounce your faith in the Christian god, or you will burn at the stake! No, I will never deny my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Then, you shall burn! Renounce your faith in...



Thank you, Jesus. Praise you, Lord. Lord, we just come to you today thanking you for your love and mercy. Amen, thank you Jesus. We just ask, Lord that you would help our sister Margaret do her bowel...



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Puff: you idiot, why aren't you going after her. Puff: Are you just going to let her go. Chris: Its too late for that. I have to hurry before she leaves. I must tell her how I have felt....