Here in Philadelphia you can access a Philly cheesesteak anytime, day or night. Just like you can access GEICO anytime, day or night. There is only one way to celebrate this unique similarity. Witness...
A sexy commercial featuring Scarlett Johansson has been banned from appearing on air during this week's Super Bowl, but for all the wrong reasons ... Folks who endured over two hours of...
We're so dead. Girls... hi... hi! Did you just see... I hate mirages. Come on! Guys, want some water? Diddy?!? You're losing it. Your mind is playing tricks on you. We're gonna...
do seu Bock ok ran an ad that made a lot of sense it had lot of different ethnicities and they sang America the Beautiful that's an ad that unifies everybody in the country they saying in...
First I didn't take him that seriously. I had heard the stories but I thought they were way overblown. But over time, he became, like really annoying. Everywhere I went, he had to follow. And...
Music: ("Come on bring the toyz") Girls: (Singing) Come on ditch your toys Girls, make some noise More than pink, pink, pink We want to think Gonna build, gonna grow our minds Let me...
Welcome to the top five tips when hiring a Cincinnati Commercial Appraiser This is brought to you by Cincinnati Commercial Appraisers .com Tip # 1. Look for an appraiser that specializes in your area....
Hi, this is voice actor Lee Tockar for the Brony Thank You Fund. We're quite proud of the commercial we've made, and we hope you will be too. Now the ad may have aired, but our work...
♪ Hey! Hey! Ça va? Hi Patsy! Guten morgen! This is the captain? Mere bhai, Mere bhai, Mere bhai. Is this who I think it is? Okay, it's got to be really fast, I've got one second. Hey!...
Alright alright. New TV. Let's do a countdown. Annnd..yea ok no countdown. Hit the button. Hi TV. Hi TV? Oh that worked. Hold on. Did he just say hi to the TV? Yeah honey. That's how...