I'm the world's worst cleaning lady. Cleanliness was supposed to be my middle name, but then my parents settled on Janet. Now, I'm here in your home, having a pretty...
>> Okay. Well. Hi, we're back in with economic analysis for business and this time we're going to be doing value added. Now value added is when you think about economics...



[piano music] ...the fourth floor of the Museum of Modern Art and the room devoted to pop art and we're looking at a really great painting. It's actually a really large painting....
Простор. Секој простор е шанса. Може да биде слободно и за сите. Може да биде дом. Место. Пат. Некаде каде што припаѓаш. Граница која што ќе ја истражуваме. Место да најдеш заедница без разлика каде...
So Monica I want to start with you just lay out what is this case actully about The taxpayer was Daishowa, a forest products company and Daishowa had some forestry division said it wanted to sell and...
>> Annie Donovan: Good morning, everybody! We're going to get started. So, I am Annie Donovan, and I am the incoming CEO of CoopMetrics, and I'm going to be your...



A rare and beautiful tiger trapped by vicious steel cables slowly dying WWF's anti-poaching patrol found her barely alive with deep wounds from the tightening snare it's too late to...