For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." -John 3:16 For unto you is born this day in the city of...



እኔ እወዳለው አዳኝን፣ ስራውን የጨረሰውን። እና ኅጢአቴን ያጠፋ። ማንም ሰው ኅጢአት ቢሰራ፣ ማስታወስ አለበን፣ ጠበቃ እንዳለን፣ አትጨነቁ ስለ የሰራችሁት እና ያልሰራችሁት። ወደ አዳኛአችሁ መመልከት አለባችሁ። አላችሁ ጠበቃ። ያለ እሱ፣ ሁሉም አይነቶች ችግሮች ውስጥ ነን ከሚኖረው ሕያው እግዚአብሔር በፊት። ከሁሉም...
so ah.. ive been watchin some knife throwing on tv lately. yeah What kind uh take a they knives and throw it at a 20 feet distance and chuck it at targets some of them are trick shots and hit apples...



James Lovelock, greetings. First, thank you for the splendid gift that you gave me along with mankind called Gaia. As was discussed in the video with Horus you are a volume of pure energy with 14...



Revelation, Chapter 19, verse 12, “He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.” I was born and raised in New England, and they called me Timothy John Evans. In my early 20’s my...



Ann Druyan and Steven Soter, greetings: First and foremost, I would like to thank the both of you for Cosmos. No words can convey how much that gift meant to me. I first viewed Cosmos when it came out...



Greetings Malala, Like me you have been called by many names, but you are the Alpha and Omega Isis, the first-born Child To God, RaHorus In His Her Name. In the video to Horus I explained that he is...



In Zion, we are going to develop a lesson plan that will introduce some new math concepts called Rodin Vortex Math. This model explains the periodic table, DNA sequencing, and it is the model that is...



I am the Alpha and Omega Osiris. I came to you 2000 years ago as a Son Of Man, and you know me by the name Jesus Christ. We are half way through Armageddon as was described in the book of Revelation....



Well, this whole story starts with God, the Bible is clear that there's only one true God. And that one true God has made all things, He's made the mountains, the planets, the stars,...

