Hey Guys it's Lollipoper42 aka Becky and I am here to show you how to create a seamless background so First you need to choose an image peferrably with a transparent background Make sure that...
Hey, were the DIY Divas, I'm Alison. I'm Christina. And I'm Lauren. We're going to show you some DIY wood staining projects with items that we scooped up at the thrift...
Almost as prevalent in the latest work by designers worldwide as blue is the use of green. Considerations of sustainability and the interest in nature has played a part in influencing greens for...
hi this is karen titus from stamping on the back porch back with another one minute tip on how to make these little pop up banners this is the card i made for my husband on valentines day using the...
-All right, now we're going to talk about blocking your body filler out. It's already had body filler applied. Dent's been repaired, body filler applied. Blocks come in...
Hey everyone. I'm finally back from vacation armed with thousands of photos that I really don't know what to do with. So over the next few weeks, as I'm sorting through the...
the offense segment of the football team is further divided into three main groups with specific positions within each group the three major groupings for the offense so the offensive line the...
I'm Andre Segura of the American Civil Liberties Union. The Supreme Court just decided a case about Arizona's controversial anti-immigration law, SB1070. The court's decided...
Annabel Tollman: Not only is color blocking one of the hottest trends this season, it's also one of Narciso's signature design elements. The mulberry and scarlet hues in this dress...