Make a logo for your website using GIMP 1.) First, let�s create a new blank document. Click File > New or Press Ctrl+N. A pop-up box will open.� Set your canvas size to 600�400 pixels then...
How to Select your Facebook Friends for Business � Part B Continuation of Part A � demonstrated & narrated by Marketing Articles . Encourage people to interact...
Hi there guys! John here, in collaboration with Sierra Trading Post, to talk to you today about winter camping. More specifically, winter campsite selection and some of the more important factors to...
Hello, I am Steve Suggs, sales recruiting expert and author of the book, Can They Sell. Welcome to my sales recruitment video blog where you learn to hire the best sales people. While coaching sales...



{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red38\green38\blue38;}...
How to Choose a Bike. Taking the time to select the right bike ensures that your investment yields the rewards you desire. You will need A biking purpose A landscape Goals A measuring tape A retailer...
Hi, my name is John Webb. I have been coaching for badminton for over 15 years. I am going to share some tips on how to play badminton. On walking through the basic selection of buying a badminton...



This screencast will show you how to render a DDP in Triumph. You'll see here that I've got a completed project. In my details pane, I've included any relevant and available CD...
All three of these have actually been created but I haven't committed them to disk yet. To commit them to disk I choose File, Check In. And, as you can see, that's going to bring up a...



There are multiple ways to select stitches on the BERNINA 550. You have the card that came with it. By the way, the card actually has this little plastic cover. I'm always wanting to pull this...

