Today is Ipcon , which is one of the 24 indicators on the lunar calendar marking the beginning of spring, but the weather certainly didn't feel spring-like. That's right, for more...
Hmmmm by TravelPod member tyamkovy Pick a direction by TravelPod member tyamkovy There version of a speed trap....everywhere by TravelPod member tyamkovy Finding our way there by TravelPod member...
(SCREAMING) DOCTOR: It is. It's you two. We could say hi to future us. Get away! Amy, no! No! (LOW GROWL) (SCREAMING) Her name's Alaya. She's one of their warriors. One of you...
t was a cold day here in Korea, with cold wave watches in effect in some regions. For details, let's go over to our Kim Bo-gyung at the weather center. Bo-gyung Good evening, guys. This...
Hump Day Realignment, we are going to do Cold Laser. Cold laser was discovered by Russians, they were using the kind that actually cut you to do surgeries. And they found that they were healing a lot...



Hello, everybody. My name's Jenny Koska. I work at the Science Center of Iowa, and today, it's 11 degrees below zero in Des Moines, Iowa. So you might have seen a lot of videos online...
Southeast Iowa woke up to a blanket of deep snow Wednesday after major winter storm. Official measurements put Ottumwa's total at 6.5 inches, while areas just to the south got as much as eight...



so the russians are displeased that your code which is lost in Ukraine and in fact Medvedev has called it a court armed mutiny and saying that the new government is illegitimate and they will not deal...
- Hi, neighbor! It's Prince Wednesday's birthday today and we're going to have a birthday party for him at school. And later... we're going to help take care of my Mom,...