Hello! This is titled "What is a cold or Upper Respiratory Infection (URI)?" A bad cold is not the same as the flu. A cold is one type of virus. The flu is a different type of virus....
Hi my name is Kelley Eidem. And today I want to talk to you about how you can cure your cancer for practically free just like I did it. I had cancer over 15 years ago with Stage 4 cancer and I cured...
Are you one of those people that soldiers on when you've got "a cold". You could take the day off, BUT, you don't...............because you're TOUGH. Despite...
Welcome to the Vitalife show I'm doctor Janine Bowring and today we're talking all about staying healthy especially with our immune system and this is so important because so many...
Let's say there are two communities, an orange community and a purple community, and they're separate from each other. And your job is to go into these communities, and find out what...
Female Voiceover: Let's say a patient comes in the clinic and they're trying to decide if they want to get the flu vaccine. As with any decision, they're probably going to...
How to Remedy a Sore Throat. An inflamed throat is often the first sign that you're getting sick. Help nip it in the bud with a few simple tricks. You will need 1 lemon 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp....
How to Deal with a Runny Nose. Is that runny nose bringing you down? With over-the-counter cold remedies and a few simple steps, you can put a stop to your problem. You will need Decongestants...
How to Clear a Stuffed Nose without Medication. All stuffed up and wanting to breathe – but without the chemicals? Here's how to get relief fast! You will need Steam Licorice tea A saline...
lacing up here on the issues and heading outdoors in the cold winter days probably the last thing you feel like doing has a turns out exercising outdoors in modeling cold weather not only intensifies...