Traditionally, cancer research and aging research focused on using mice or rats Our philosophy here is that we can learn a lot more from looking at species that are long-lived and are...
HOST: So, who's most at risk of catching a cold? It's easier for colds to spread in the winter, fall and even rainy seasons when people spend more time indoors. Children: Their...
[ Music ] >> The opportunity for a new life occurs every day at the University of Michigan Transplant Center. Lung transplantation is the surgical replacement of either one or two badly...
My name is Karlis Venskus. I was born in 1941, in August. Last summer I started to lose weight, and I started to feel weaker. I didn't pay attention to it, I used to be chubby. I was glad I...



Odencov Jevgenij. Mister Odencov. Date of birth – 1943, March. I will turn 70 years old now. I got sick... The first signs appeared in March, 2006. I went to see a doctor. The doctor found an oozing...
[ Speaking Cherokee ] Each year, more than 200,000 people are hospitalized with flu. Like all Americans, native peoples and tribal communities need to protect themselves. Flu spreads mainly from...

