Sangin: Now with these bottles you are going to put a note in the middle of the bottles and take it out without moving the bottles, Right? Thats your main objective, Isn't it? Shankar: Do you...



I like that guitar line, Dan. Even though I'm this on bass right now, I think the pyrophone would be a lot better. I'm willing to step aside and let the pyrophone do the bass playing....
Comfortably resting among its green lawns, the Manor of the Bishops of Lisieux looks like an enchanted castle. The Manor is named after the Bishops because of this small head sculpted in the wood at...
I used to play with the same racket, same grip. It was so heavy. I've been very lucky because my parents played tennis as well as my brother and two sisters. I was at the club everyday playing...



I always watched films with my dad as I was growing up. Westerns and classic revenge thrillers. I saw Taxi Driver, Mean Streets and Raging Bull. At the time I had no idea they were made by the same...
From Andy's mind, to paper, to making them a reality, the craft that goes into every one of those instruments is amazing. This is the Violina, so we have big circular bows that never end, that...
Today, we are going to show you how to roast chicken. How to make a delicious, family roast chicken, with a nice golden crispy skin. There are a few basic rules. We have a nice, yellow chicken here....
Hi there, I'm Julian Barratt and we're in The Ritzy in Brixton. My name's Michael Smiley and I play O'Neil - The evil guy over there. I live in Brixton, I'm a...
Film making is very much based on rituals. There is the overall ritual -- an idea. The story, shooting, editing, music. The overall ritual of the film And then you have a daily ritual. Getting up in...
You don't necessarily have to be bread from polo stock. You could take almost a kid off the street and if you put him in the right organisation. If you plugged a kid into that and you gave him...