Mobile Coding Prototype Creating interactive content where ever you are In this video you will see how easy it is to create and share interactive apps within the mobile coding app. The mobile coding...
hi, I'm Stephen Hammond and I'm a counselor at Butte College and I'm gonna talk a little bit hopefully about things you can think about before you come to the college for your...



Hi, I’m Alan! I’m one of the CaPS counselors here. I’m going to talk about individual counseling. Um, we offer individual, couples, and groups. Individual counseling is basically when someone wants...



support for the death penalty among Americans is lower then at any point in the last already years you have to go back forty years to get to a point where americans are this negative about the death...
>> Muy pocos médicos aprendieron en la universidad cómo hablar con los pacientes sobre el pronóstico y otros temas difíciles desde el punto de vista emocional, pero esa es una parte...
If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch... must first invent the universe. Thank you very much. Suppose I cut a piece... ...out of this apple pie. Crumbly, but good. And now suppose we...
uh... another congressman by i saw this headline which is that a congressman is calling for a new birth their investigation is questioning the president's validity and right away i said...
Find Your Peace, Find Your Center by CG Walters Prayer is like talking to God, meditation is a way of listening to God--Edgar Cayce Of all the practices that one can pursue to provide health clarity...
His ritual of relaxing at the end of the day with a hot cup of tea gave Ian Sarin much pleasure. He would lean back in his favorite chair, an antique recliner with cracked red leather cushions,...