Cardiovascular endurance

I'm Cathy, I've been training with Andrew for just over a year. The greatest benefits I've seen are increase in endurance, obviously muscle tone and better balance, and...
Hi, I'm Kyle Brayer. A nice cardio workout for your in-home training session would be a side hop. Side hop is a great basic movement that is going to get your legs involved and get your heart...
Hello, I'm going to introduce Single Leg Stretch this week.   Single leg stretch means stretching a leg   and it can enhance your abs from exercising.   Middle and side abs can be improved.  ...
And in this segment we're talking about how to transform you like a celebrity. We've discussed strength movements, cardiovascular endurance, some balance movements, and full body...
>> Now? Okay, good morning. My name is Judy Robinson, and we are very pleased to bring to you the next in the series of HSI information lectures. Today's set of briefings is...
[ Music ] >> Welcome to week two. As always, I have a beginner modification, a little fresh meat, my girl Natalie. This is going to be fun for me. And Shelly has been promoted....
Hello and welcome back again. My name is Hank and now I'd like to show you some of the advanced techniques that you can use with the elliptical trainer. One of the programs is a strength...
Dr Luke: Hi I am Dr. Luke Nelliga, I am a board certified family physician. I practice on the north side of the Indianapolis. I have been in the Vemma business for 3 years. Was introduced to it...
When you are training for a half marathon or any other type of activity, setting goals for yourself can increase your success. When you're setting those goals, it's important to think...