What happens if you're in a Third World Country, and you have equipment problems? The best thing is to have a well-equipped tool kit. What does that consist of? First of all, you need a...
What constitutes an ENG package? First of all, you have the camera. The camera that is used in most Third World countries, is still the Betacam Camera. The second is the sound gear. That consists of a...
My father used to say, he said, "In the Shambhala tradition we believe that everybody is gifted". And one of the basic notions of this notion of goodness is that we are complete; so...
One of the crucial factors of this experience and practice, meditation is respecting ourselves; and in particularly respecting what we think and feel. When we do that, we become self embodied and self...
The main message that my father taught was so simple that for many years we tried to make it more complicated and we wanted more; and we have plenty of complication. But it was... the essence was that...
This notion of inherent goodness in human nature is something that I would like to express is just not an oriental phenomena. This notion of what inherent human nature is has been obviously within...
What I would, you know, like all of us to reflect on is that when I talk about the notion of basic goodness being an inherent nature of humanity, of course we bring up, "Well, except for so...
And I feel that what we have begun here, the rebuilding of society, begins with basic dialog; it begins with us actually willing to take time to listen to each other; and not to listen by not...
So the notion of enlightened society is exactly what we are doing here; it is keeping our, in a sense, diversity and who we are; but beginning to be able to think free and not out of the, I would say,...
The basic premise of the bow is, as I mentioned yesterday, a sense of who you are; and it is in three sections; first part is called "Holding" where we are just here; and I also want...