Hi, my name is Tom Ingram. I'm a 19 year old racing driver from High Wycombe I'm racing in the Ginetta G55 this season with JHR developments going into my second season and fingers...
He's only got two wheels. We typically don't do two wheel vehicles, but we want to play about with this three wheel vehicle. I've got three, three. Since we never play alone,...
JFIF hExif Paint.NET v3.5.10 $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz $u d kf@AR Er:! hTvK k2;Bd 6b$*T xV=SM (^...
You are an international referee, which are your tasks at the competition? I’m simply, judge-referee. During summer I have to take decisions after various dilemmas, to collect the results from the...



Welcome to HelpDesk TV. My name is Rudy Stebih. Windows 8 Consumer Preview comes with a lot of changes; apart from the Metro Start Screen, there is also a Desktop work space to enable you to work like...



My name is Christoph I'm Executive Producer at Auto Club Revolution. We're launching AI. Completely new feature for Auto Club Revolution, which smoothens the transition from single...
THE 24 HOUR FIESTA PROJECT Rafa: “Basically, the idea was very simple: a white car becomes a moving image. So what I want to do is make one big reflective surface. And to do that I’m breaking all the...
THE 24 HOUR FIESTA PROJECT Elise: “We’re here in a very large Wimbledon studio representing the Ford Fiesta in a very large sculptural installation that I’ve made.” Elise: “The most exciting part of...
Hey guys, today I'm going to show you this Sevylor 2 person kayak. This inflatable kayak is portable, comfortable and durable. The dual tracking fins make it easier to steer with the included...
Biker Down is a free course offered to basically anyone But it's centered around dealing with motorcycle accidents. It's split into three parts. The first part is delivered by one of...