Dan Pappalardo: We have a long-term relationship with ABC. We have been working with them for over ten years now. This year, we wanted to take it to the next level and start to create more of an...
AGRO SHOW 2013. An interview with Hubert Kamola - Which Polish company is well ahead of competition and has become immensely successful over the last few years? We must be speaking about Grupa Azoty....
Keeping up with the theme of consistency, it's important to use the same font throughout your marketing materials. This helps your brand become recognizable. Choose specific fonts to use...
Hi David Avrin, The Visibility Coach. Here I am in Washington, DC, standing in front of the Washington Monument right now. And I’m thinking to myself, as I’m walking up here, there’s gotta be some...
>>The newly launched Toyota Camry looks like an evolution of the older car. It has straight lines but is embellished with plenty of chrome to give it a luxury appeal. When viewed in...
Why do we use ActiveStandards in Bupa? Well, we’re living in the most competitive marketplace in history, where digital is at the real heart of that marketplace, and core to that is getting a great...
For this last task, we're going to make this into a much better brand. So, we're going to change the font, the color palette and the photo filter to make this design more appropriate...
We're now going to begin our discussion of chapter 15. This is one of the three chapters in unit six or week six. This chapter has a lot of really good information in it and we've got...



[MUSIC] So we talked about budget brand images, and we talked about creating brand perceptions, and how these brand elements work together. But another part of this brand identity is to persuade...



I've never been very good with words. Accurately depicting thoughts and feelings to others is something I have a difficult time with. You can ask my wife, it drives her nuts that I am often...