Hi, everyone. Welcome to the Fall Activities Fair. Awesome, great. We’re an on campus south Asian dance team, and basically I dance in customs throughout India, and we compete all across the nation...
The Fox9 Morning News starts now. Besides physical fitness, the new year may be the perfect time to get your brain in better shape, too. We'll have all of that after we get to today's...
[0:00:00] Male: The Better Memory Minute with Teri Barr. Female: A new study is supporting why you should stay active. Things like walking, golfing, or any other type of sport, as you age, it will...
[0:00:00] Male 1: You are watching "The Better Memory Show," hosted by Teri Barr, with special guest, Mark Underwood. We will be discussing practical ways to improve your memory and...
Software Engineering What excites me most is developing something new And deciding how the world of morrow is going to look Hi, my name is Beata I'm a programmer and to me software engineering...
Here is how to get into our virtual classroom Go the communications through technology site and then click here for our virtual classroom the next screen asks you to put in your name. First and last...
Hi, I'm Dan Bihn, Tom Bihn's brother. I'm a journalist and storyteller for sustainable energy projects around the world. A big part of my work involves visually communicating...
What are you trying to create? A recipe for success. You're missing a key ingredient. And what might that be? Stay tuned as we find out what that missing ingredient is. We've all heard...
ding people tell me i need embrace technology i stay sharp by cracking my whip, grabbing the treasure and saving the girl like i'd like to tell the americans how sorry we are for beating them...