The following program is a production of Truth For The World. ♪ "Sitting at the feet of Jesus, oh what words I hear Him say." ♪ How many times in our lives have we heard someone...
CC cc Do you have your ticket to enter the kingdom of heaven if you do not have your name written in the book if your name is not on the list you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven they will not let...



Hello? Helloooo? Mobile phones and smart phones are wonderful things. But they're also magnets for crooks and scammers who love to work through texting or SMS. Listen: "Hey - the best...
[music] Good morning, good evening, good night, whatever time you're watching this, hello. I'm Norris A. Rowley, Jr. Today, I'm going to show you the next chapter of Paddy...
Now as I mentioned before, all of these types of Wisdom literature tend to be very universalistic, humanistic, ahistorical. There's nothing particularly Israelite about them. There's...
Job is going to attack the optimistic conventional piety that is typified in the Book of Proverbs. He's going to challenge the assumption that there is a moral world order. The issues that are...
The following program is a production of Truth For The World. ♪ "Sitting at the feet of Jesus, oh what words I hear Him say." ♪ How many times have we had different discussions on...
You'll recall that the monotheistic revolution is generally understood to have effected a break from mythological conceptions of the gods as indistinguishable from various natural forces,...
So how was your new year? How was your Christmas? How was your... Thanksgiving? Oh, it's been a long time since I've made a video, hasn't it? it Feels like we need a chance to...
So it was with the story of Job. The narrator established, as a fact of the story, that Job is perfectly righteous. That's in the narrator's voice in the prose introduction. He states...

