MICKEY DENONCOURT: Bicycle racing is a really, really hard sport. You really, really, have to suffer to be good at it. Cross racing is the pinnacle of suffering in bike racing. The races are short,...
MICKEY DENONCOURT: The most important part of any cyclocross race is the start. You start with everybody else, you know, lined up on a couple of rows. You know, you want to get there. If it's...
MICKEY DENONCOURT: So to have the most successful cyclocross racing experience you can, you know, you got to go out. You got to practice all the technical elements that are specific to cross, you...



Before you learn how to get back on a bike, cyclo-cross style, you must learn how to get off. We are going to assume the you are riding a Cyclocross bike and that you have clipless pedals that your...
MICKEY DENONCOURT: For me, personally, the way my bike fits and stuff like that, when I'm doing a good tempo across a field section or something like that, I'm often in the saddle and...
So as we're getting off in the sand or the loose, you know, we sort of, we know we need to throw our bikes ahead of us a little bit to keep them upright. And then you know, to really get our...
MICKEY DENONCOURT: Things that we can take from experience if we were mountain bike racers when you're riding cross are sort of looking ahead, choosing good lines, riding hard stuff, being...
When you're riding a sand section, there's always the possibility that you're going to get bogged down and have to get off the bike. When you're getting off in the...
>> Court: This is the IZIP E3 Metro for 2014, it has been updated, it's a great bike. It offers a lot of power, obviously you can carry stuff around in it, which is awesome. And...
How should you adjust your bike’s damper? To adjust your damper you need a pump and a gauge, or failing that a measuring tape. First of all, look at the sticker on the bike tube, which tells you how...