Beautiful photographs

We’re all attracted to people all the time. What is it that attracts us to others? And what do others find attractive about you? [music] These are some of the questions our team is going to try and...
I had to use small compact camera to do it. Once you get there and people see you with cameras and professional equipment, they get nervous. I was working for shipping company to take some photographs...
05 Recoleta Cemetery. by TravelPod member stevefn 18 La beauté de la nature / A timeless moment by TravelPod member siegfried_h. 09 De l'autre coté du soleil levant by TravelPod member...
Now other than sepia, there are a few, there are actually quite a few different types of toners that you can use out there. There's one toner called Selenium toner. Now this toner, selenium...
This updated classic with a fast maximum aperture is ideal for everyday shooting, perfect in low lighting situations and great for producing images with beautiful background blur (Bokeh). This...
New photos from Breaking Dawn Part 2 are giving us an up close and personal look at both the Denali and Amazon covens. The final installment of the Twilight Saga will be a who’s who of the vampire...
And now it's time for our daily arts and culture segment with Michelle Kim. Let's see what arts and culture news she has for us today. Hello Michelle Hello Conn-young So what do you...
Beach Weddings in Nassau Bahamas. Book Beach Weddings in Nassau Bahamas call 1-(242)-327-2453 - Hi I'm Glenn Ferguson your Bahamas...