[BEEPING] ADMIN: We saw your latest vlog, Mister Pike. We were not pleased. TOM: Well, the next trope video is going to be really good. I picked a really funny trope, because failure is... Hilarious....
Hello, I'm Tanya Plibersek Labor wants to take the pressure off our major cities and support our regional centres that want to grow. With our Building Better Regional Cities plan released...
Allah Azawajal's the one [repeats] Do you hate Jews/juice? Yeah I do, I'm not a big fan of apple juice No, Jews Oh, Jews, naah they're alright For your beard do you use soap or...
Why do I have long hairs around my nipple? I'm not supposed to have these. If you were a guy, I’d say they’re just stray chest hairs. Women aren’t supposed to have chest hairs. That’s why...
DreamHost is the best hosting company... when it comes to your website they have everything you need. From hosting to domains... to smart server geeks... you won't find any neck bearded...
View of Kas and the Beckoning Ridgeline Above by TravelPod member oldrover Up Through the Bush by TravelPod member oldrover Spines in Them There Bushes by TravelPod member oldrover Softer Elements by...
ma ma ma ma (what is it child?) ma ma ma ma (are you sick again?) ma ma ma ma (do you got that swine flu there talkin' bout on the news?) ma ma ma ma (it's time to call the cdc!)...
Why do women bodybuilders have deep voices? It is because of the testosterone. Are you sure that the testosterone is to blame? Normal women cannot build muscle to the extreme that male body builders...
Do female bodybuilders menstruate? That really depends on what the body builders are doing. They are working out and taking supplements. A woman who works out too much can generate so much stress that...
Tron: Legacy, the long-awaited sequel to the sci-fi action classic from 1982 picks up where the original left off, computer programmer, and ENCOM CEO Kevin Flynn, played by a young, computer-generated...