Hi, I'm Jamille with Pinnacle Promotions and this is the 24 oz Game Day Mason Jar. This tumbler looks like an old-fashioned mason jar and hold 24 oz of your favorite beverage and/or drink and...
Hi my name is Rachel Deon for Expert Village. Now I'm going to show you how to prepare the jars for the jelly. You can either buy vacuum, special vacuum jars, or you can use honey jars old...
We’re going to do two different types of pickles; we’re going to do whole pickles and we’re going to do sliced pickles. So, you want to get rid of the ends of the cucumbers because those are usually...
Hi, I'm Beth from RL Food Testing. Are you planning to sell your product in a retail environment? Then you should consider shelf life testing. Most retailers will require a valid shelf life to...
Preserving green beans is one of the easiest projects that you can do in canning and preserving. You basically break off the tails, sometimes you can break them off in the middle, depending how large...
For preserving fruit, one of my favorite ways is to have a fruit and syrup. That preserves the look of the fruit and its nature and color and its shape, sometimes way better than a jelly or a...
The most important element for canning is a pressure cooker. It is so because the way a pressure cooker seals when you put it on your stove. It will build up pressure inside that will mean higher...
So the beets are ready and we’re going to transfer that into a canning jar. And every food that use has to be carefully sterilized. That means basically boiling it and boiling it good. High...
The canning jar has to be hot because the green beans are very hot. If we poured those boiling green beans into a cold jar, it’s going to break. We have to be careful when we’re doing this kind of...
>>Liz You can go to the farmers' market, you can buy some fresh fruit very inexpensively, it becomes one of the most affordable hobbies you can have. This is where I got my start...