Hi, I'm Pete Williams, Editor of LD Magazine, the brand new magazine exclusive for Apple's Newsstand on the iPad. Every month, we'll be bringing you the best curated content...
当時、探究心が強かったので 日本で英語教師として働くことが その探究心を満たしてくれると思いました それでやるべきだと思いました これはDINEという私達が作っている雑誌です 食べ物やワイン、ライフスタイル について書いています 学びに終わりはありません 私は特に旅行から学びます 旅を続けてください 読書を続けてください そして、様々な経験をしてください そうすることで...
From the very beginning, humankind has asked questions about how the universe works. Particle physics asks some of the most fundamental—and therefore most difficult to answer—questions in the world....
Hello everyone, welcome to the first episode of Magazine Madness: One Direction Edition, where we talk about all the gossip from One Direction. Now I personally am not a One Direction fan, but for the...



one of the most fun stories that we've done until a few since i came on uh... to cohost with the anna probably the cosmos sex advice story that we did just a couple of months ago where we...
From the 1930s up till 1957 when Maserati. took the drivers’ world championship with Juan-Manuel Fangio and decided to withdraw from F1, the “cafeterie” in Modena were neatly divided into the...