style cover,parodies,western gangnam style,gunman,western style,gunman style,gun man style,gangnam style music video,erica law,gangnam style dance, TAGS: gunman style gangnam style asian western...
Success The word success seems to be celebrated and respected across cultures and languages It is the one destination that we all seem to crave. As an Asian kid growing up in the U.S., you often your...
Hello internet it is Day 2 of the DeFranco movie club move aside Oprah books are for fools that's our slogan Is it now, I don't know I'm at the uh the studio everyone's...
I remember I was doing something I'm in my office and I have my glasses, I think and if I can see, I can think and uh sometimes to remember, I write on my body cause if it's important...
Let the bell ring... You think I don't know anything... About Tariff Debate? Now meet your fate! Alright let's fo the paper! So you're Tsuyoshi Wu? Go and eat your...
Hi, my name is Cheryl and i am the white swan Today I am going to talk about the strange things that have been happening in my life I found this candle in my room.. and i don't know how it got...
Hi my name is Cheryl and I am the white swan Today I am going to talk about my views on the world I am a full time artist, I believe that the world is beautiful, and we should try to make it more...
Hi, my name is Cheryl, and I am, The White Swan Today, I am going to share with you... my secret. Not sure if I should say this.... but I have been holding it all in... I really need to say it out...