So I'm here with the very gorgeous Velda Tan, (hi!) who always looks good! I stalk you on Instagram (okaaaay...), so I gotta say I love your outfits. Thank you! Can you describe your personal...
Here's a cell phone whose network reception is on maximum now I'm going to put it in the aluminium foils here below As you can see, the reception decreases progressively until it...
Today we are going to find out about Allie's story: a girl from the United States who came to Argentina and has been living here for 6 years, eating out. How are you? Good, good. How are you?...
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Hey everyone! Today I am going to talk about buses, and you may think I'm a bit weird, but I am going to talk about buses idag. I think that there's so many things that you can improve...
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BEN BALLER: My name is Ben Baller. And you probably recognize me, pushing fantasy whips, stunting in nightclubs, or sitting courtside at the Laker games. But the rest of the world knows me as the...