Hello everyone! Its not morning! but "oha" is my favorite greeting its slowly becoming... ...my catch phrase anyway everyone if you didnt notice This video is a blog because i want...



and then in china has one one hundred twenty thousand dollars after over a court settlement after he sent his wife for being too ugly so it turns out that act he got his wife pregnant after the white...
So what makes you happy? Being outside The little things in life. My sister My puppy and the beautiful weather. Being alive by the Grace of God. No snow I really enjoy the outdoors Hanging out with...
So, what do you think about the legalization of marijuana? I think it's okay I'm for it. I don't think it should be legalized It's not a hard drug Yeah I think it...
Hey there, It's zak195 and as you might not be able to tell desk are extremely organized person i was just kind of scrolling through my uses and realizes just delete disorganized chaos and i...
Anything that makes you happy... -Pokemon I like kid's movies -love -my friends -bright colors Our little dog Maggie -This is her You gonna hide? -Warm weather makes me happy -My family -These...
How doing? -Very good You have a cute son. -Thank you so much! -No problem. You're a sharp dude. -Thank you very much! How you doing, man? Like the hat -Thanks! Like the eye-shadow,...
Old McDonald had a farm... E-I-E-I-O And on his farm, he had a... Caribou E-I-E-I-O and the Caribou went... ~Caribou? Caribou? -What is a Caribou? It's this big ox-like thing Honestly, I...
Blackness to me is faith having faith in what don't see because we, as a people, often don't see validation, we don't see uplifting in the context of mainstream America or even...