six flight for so this story stifle a what's season possible yeah i thought it was like one of those uh... kind of alex jones doors but apparently not and inside and i want to get one of the...



hola a todos por la amiga de youtube mi nombre de locomotora 131 y oye con este libio obama le señala como se hace el tiramisú coloquen tico mofaz iraquí de al anbar en realidad y ahora procedamos a...




Hey everyone, it’s Chad here from FITera and today I want to talk to you about granola – as it’s always had a reputation for being a health food… in fact, we get new clients all the time...
Raw recipes with Kukuriak. Blog of a group of experimenters. Hello everyone! You better not wave. Okay... But where from the beginning? Okay, so... let's get started. Hello everyone, I am...
[Music] The white roads are those little tiny white roads that go to nowhere, sometimes they dead end. All of that in between is really what it's all about. This trip is about riding white...
Sautéed Mushrooms with Rosemary, a delicious side dish for Cruise phase that can be turn into a mushroom puré, Dukan diet friendly. I'm cutting 2 slices of cecina into thin strips. Cecina...
My right foot was bitten by a bug 'I do not know what kind of bug it was So there I started to scratch my foot constantly and it started to turn into a huge rash I didn’t know what it was. It...
♪ [Opening Music] ["Dates with Bacon and Almonds"] To make this delicious and easy skewer, we only will need: Bacon slices, dates and some almonds. First, cut the strips of bacon in...



Lord Hennessy: "If I was a newly appointed Cabinet Secretary and the gap between it being announced I was going to be and taking up the job, I would call on people like you, the old and the...



>>JASON:hi, Jason cairns here from and I am with my great friend, Lisa Paris. >>LISA:hi >>JASON:And she’s from