DR. JIMMY KILIMITZOGLOU: When we’re missing teeth for a long period of time what happens is the bone kind of melts away or resorbs and we don’t have enough bone to support an implant. In that case,...
Hi, my name's Lee Perkins. I'm a physical therapist and founder of HandsOnRemedy.com. Today I'm going to talk about Biceps Tendonitis and why you should consider physical...



Mam na imię Egil, pochodzę z Oslo w Norwegii. Rok temu zimą nieszczęśliwie upadłem na lodzie i pękł mi przedni ząb. Siła upadku nie tylko spowodowała pęknięcie korony, ale również korzenia, i ząb był...



Patient: I'd say it's 8, could be 10, I'm not real sure. Now, I wore a top plate since I was 18. I had all my teeth on top pulled when I was 18. Dentist: Okay Patient: And, of...
Cosmetic dentistry is all about someone's smile, but I think it's more than that. It's more about people's confidence. When people walked in to our office and will sit...
Hey everybody, this is Richard Smith I'm going to offer a little bit of advice on demo reels everyone's wondering what should I put on a demo reel The obvious answer is really really...
When searching for the right Cosmetic Dentist keep these important things in mind. Don't make the mistake of thinking any dentist could do the work of a trained, experienced Cosmetic Dentist....
Why are dental implants preferred over bridges? Video brought to you by Scottsdale Cosmetic Dentistry 1....
Dentist: The first procedure you had, the bone graft on the upper left, prior to having the implants; how did that procedure go? Patient: Procedure went well. I had very little discomfort. I...
Hi, I'm Dr. Harrison. And I'm Dr. Bethke. Welcome to our office. We know you won't be spending too much time out here, but we want to take advantage of having your attention....

