Then the clinical examination continues with the assessment of the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is a group of four tendons which mobilise the glenohumeral joint around. It is subscapularis, and if...
As an instructor, you have a teaching style that’s comfortable and familiar for you in the classroom. We are going to talk about some active teaching strategies to help you with your day-to-day...
The answers are that speech recognition can be handled quite well by supervised learning. That is, we have input/output pairs; the input is the speech signal, and the output is the words that they...
So let's move on to Active Reinforcement Learning and, in particular, let's examine a simple approach called a Greedy Reinforcement Learner. And the way that works is it uses the same...
Now, the next choice we have in agent design revolves around how adventurous he wants to be. One possibility is what's called the passive reinforcement learning agent-- and that can be any of...
This problem involves the Q-learning agent who is currently situated at this square called (3,3), and executes the NORTH action trying to go up, but because the environment is stochastic, it actually...
The cooperation between schools isn't rare phenomenon in Visoko. Our intention is to say more about this habit in the next report. The students of Madrasah „Osman ef. Redžoviæ“ visited...
The conference today has been a really useful opportunity for staff to get together and be able to talk, be able to share ideas and sometimes often that informal talk is just as important as our key...
There's a wide range of different strategies that you can use when you're approaching academic writing. It's important to say that there isn't just one strategy which...
[opening music] LYNDA FRASER: What I'd like to do is look at each of these areas, since we're saying there's appropriate times to use them, right? Right times to use them. And...