Abstract digital artwork

Well, let's see first of all I'd like to mention the work you see behind us, which comprises about seven or eight works from about twenty-five that I want to show. And all these works...
>> ARTIST: Yeah, I painted her last week. >> INTERVIEWER: "Her"? >> ARTIST: The Line! I never appreciated the line before... She's...
Tutorial: George Romero Zombie Trilogy Collage Part III: Corrections, Color & Shadows And here we go again. Now that I have all the details for my 3 zombies here, I go and create a new layer...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf540 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\info {\author William...
KEEBZ: I feel a lot of kids nowadays they don’t study the dance enough. Learn everything it has to offer and don’t be ignorant to its foundation. I do get nervous, but I feel like if you use that to...
Hi, I'm Blair I've been a silversmith for over 25 years. And I'm Bryan. I've worked in music and digital media for about the same amount of time. Ask any artist and...
When I was eleven... twelve years old, max, the teacher was bored. didn't know what to do with the students so she said Write down three wishes. and the three wishes sent me to the...
GOALS Artist -Aurtor -Activist - Ex-club Dj - Social Psychologist -BIO Aaron Waugh, born in New Jersey and raised in Pasadena, California, is a Film Maker, self-taught Abstractionist Figure Painter he...
>> It's a pleasure for me to introduce the next speaker. And I want you--I want to take you on a journey back and think back 40-ish years and think about just a couple of...