All of my days have been weary Then you came along and cheered me When you put your arms around me and hold me tight In orbit baby Gave me reason to want you Couldn't hold back if I tried to...
Thank you, gentlemen. [Laughter] And in conclusion, Iadies and gentlemen, here we have one of the most perfect specimens... of the human brain that has ever come to my attention. And here the abnormal...
I say, is it too much to ask for both? With that in mind, I humbly present the crown jewel Of stark industries' freedom line. It's the first missile system To incorporate our...
FORD FOUNDATION DIRECTOR GEORGE MCCARTHY: As Luis pointed out at the beginning, we really need to think very differently about how we're going to work in cities and metropolitan areas going...
dar on themes përshëndetje sot më keni futur në kathy e kishte 10 06:10 fight you Essex OPP hafta podcast all company including speech lie hamlets physicists reach name and Laney and its controller...
Mysteries of vernacular: Keister, a person's buttocks. Though the modern meaning of keister refers somewhat indecorously to a person's behind, the word's history does not begin...
I would say to my 16-year-old self, "Just trust that it will work out. I think, trust that if you keep doing what you're doing, have the confidence that the future will be...
I think one of the most important skill sets is facilitation skills, so being able to facilitate conversations and even mediate in places where people don't necessarily agree. So, I really...
I think the most interesting job that's going to exist probably in the next ten years is going to be a space miner. So, this is going to be somebody who's going to be mining asteroids...