President Park Geun-hye marks the first anniversary of her election win on this Thursday. The presidential office of Cheong Wa Dae has hailed her achievements, saying President Park's...
>> female announcer: This is a production of WKNO, Memphis. Production funding for "Behind the Headlines" is made possible in part by.. An interview with the man...
One year ago today, President Park Geun-hye was sworn in as Korea's 11th president. She marked the occasion on this Tuesday with a televised address to the nation, in which she laid out the...
[music] >>This is my family. My mom, my dad, my sister Megan and me. >>Esta es mi familia. Vivimos juntos. (Spanish) >>Um, this is my mom, Susan and I was...
[Questioner] I do not understand how emotions and thoughts can be physical? [Sadhguru] First of all this distinction between emotion and thought, it doesn’t really exist. What you call as a emotion...
[Questioner] You said that sleep means – “close your eyes and unaware and meditation means okay, close your eyes but be aware.” Can we do With regard to this, can we do the meditation with open eye?...
Video clips on blindness a series daily living skills for the blind and visually impaired presented in conjunction with the Washington State School for the Blind. The following clip features Becky...
[Sadhguru] So, the very reason why we take people into the mountains is to make them experience the mystical dimension of the Himalayas. We are not a tourist company. If you go there by yourself, the...
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[Questioner] I wonder if you could explain to us how the consecration procedure... the process took place. I just saw a lot of ingredients went into that pit but I really [Sadhguru] It looked like...