<i>LOVE IS IMPERFECT I have a secret.</i> <i>Everyone has always one inside.</i> <i>Everyone has chosen it and turned it...
Welcome to the show, The Show! Look, before we start today I want to say one thing. To be completely frank, Iím tired of the back and forth, one day yes and the next itís no, changing on a daily...



Today's question Hi, hi! On our Facebook page, Katrine Lerøen writes; "Decorate a Christmas tree? What do we need to decorate a real nice Christmas tree?" And, Calle, you...
NARRATOR: Fetch Quest begin. SPEAKER 1: This one's for all the gamers you don't see on the message boards. You heard of game boys? Well, we're the game bros. SPEAKER 2: Friday...
I want to introduce you to somebody: Havelock Ellis. This man is very important to my life. Let's start with 1866, Havelock is about 7, and he's sailing around the world with his...
We're through with you. --Don't you No! Gretchen! Gretchen, no! No! Kris! Gretchen, you have to get up, Gretchen! Boo! C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, we just want to play. Give it back. What...
[Script Info] ; Script generated by Aegisub 3.0.2 ; https://www.aegisub.org/ Title: Default Aegisub file ScriptType: v4.00+ WrapStyle: 0 ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes Collisions: Normal Scroll Position: 0...



Beep beep! Hey there pretty fountain-girl. So I believe that we had an agreement. Oh? Yes. You won Granter of the Month. I bet that you'd win Granter of the Month. And the prize was a date...