若是使用wishoTouch字典 就可以使用多种方法在iOS环境下查找汉字和单词 若了解汉字的笔画顺序,可以按照该顺序写出汉字 然后轻轻一触即可看到详细说明 若是不明白笔画顺序则可使用读音 或是汉字的偏旁部首来查找目标 然后可以通过敲击或是滑动汉字来查看详细信息 或者是按住汉字不放的方法来进行选择。 这样的话就连笔画顺序也能知道了! 可以通过触摸或是按住的方式来查找包含汉字的单词 只需触摸一下就可...



Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus, Right down Santa Claus Lane. Vixen, Blitzen, and all his reindeer Pulling on the reins. Bells are ringing, children singing, All is merry and bright....
In the previous video we discussed how Chinese characters work. In this presentation, we'll be explaining the traditional methodology used for teaching Chinese characters to both native...
How to make sashimi, sushi and fillet Hachibiki. I bought a fish called hachibiki today. This fish is very tasty, but you don't see it at markets as often. Because the color of the meat is...



So we're going to talk about "liang" which is "cold" in the lesser or less severe degree so it sometimes can be present too. "Liang fung zi...



Okay, now let me teach you the Chinese word for "grade" or for "score". In Chinese also we have two versions, "fen shu" or "chung...



Gucchi mari, tell me your complaints! todays complainer is jasmina from youtube i want to learn japanese But remembering kanji is too hard! its so frustrating! well, well... I understand how you feel...
>>Wade: Hi, I'm Wade Wingler with the INDATA Project at Easter Seals Crossroads in Indiana. You know a lot of folks who have vision impairments have to deal with the printed word...
Good morning. I'm Ichibay. In the morning of June 12, 2011, we're under a threatening sky in Tokyo. The laundry for the day before yesterday is still wettish, and the problem is there...

