Here's a story that's true about James Edward Pough Whose car was repossessed so here's what he decided to do James Pough, eleven humans he slew James Pough, was forty-two With his thirty caliber...
Here's a story that's true about James Edward Pough, who's car was repossessed so here's what he decided to do. James Pough, eleven human he slew. James Pough was fortytwo. With thirty calibre carbine...
What the hell did I do in the 80's? Midnight Run. A perfect movie. Just a perfect movie.



They're here. Move! You know, I was actually starting to worry about how we were gonna reengineer the pathogen. Then you showed up. Now, get in unless you wanna end up like your friend. Whoa....
Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en Welcome back to Observer Ready? Let's figure it out What should we do with this monster Shall we begin? I meant let's continue this game I need to...
- Hey. [MUSIC PLAYING] Does anyone know you're here? No. Are you sure you know what to do? Just tell me what's going on. There. What the hell did you do to him? I gave him the...
So I want to talk to you a little bit about intimacy you're going to have to create in an audition. How do you deal with a kiss in an audition scene? It's either you can totally avoid...
President Muhammadu Buhari was full of gratitude to his fans under the aegis of Buhari Support Organisation (BSO), who visited him at the villa on Tuesday. Speaking with the team, led by Hameed Ali,...
I've always wanted to be a musician and my I have a South Indian father so it was a very rocky relationship with him and he sent me for a BTech in Andhra Pradesh, I ran away from hostel I came...
Okay what. Dude wtf, Dude. What the hell did you do with your arm? So, you know how crossing the road in like super busy cities can be like very dangerous? Yeah, reckless drivers and all Yeah, so I...