Existe un debate bastante intenso acerca de quien alimenta el mundo. Existe un mito: que sin la ¨Green Revolution¨ India no se podria alimentar; pero la ¨Green Revolution¨ es solo arroz y trigo, y...
[Global Oneness Project] [It's in the Soil] An industrial civilization that destroyed our water systems and our water cultures had to create its own symbols of what's important....
[Global Oneness Project] [A Shift to the Feminine] The ritualization of all of this I think is not complete. I think for that Behari peasant woman or these old grandmothers I was seeing from Rajasthan...



[global oneness project] [A Global Throw Away Culture] The throw away culture seeded in India in the last 30, 40 years has been seeded by a combination of forces. [Vandana Shiva - Dehradun -...
Desde el Movimiento Mundial por las Semillas Libres, desde Navdanya, el movimiento que fundé, y desde mi ser personalmente con todo mi amor y mi solidaridad; Yo, Vandana Shiva, estoy totalmente con...