It is like before, i think i like them both, i should close my eyes, become the racing horse, sing to pay window in an awful line, so easy now, i have won, go easy now, we're with everyone, gamble...
- Bet two. - Two thousand. Is there an echo in here? Two thousand. Card. How much? Same bet. Been playin' the same fuckin'bet all night. Card. Twenty-one. - Twenty. - Drink! Play two. Three thousand....



(Xzibit) Yeah.. welcome.. yeah.. huh.. there's plenty of room for everybody man.. yeah.. bangin.. come on.. yeah.. look.. (Xzibit) Huh, Stay in my lane like a hustla Never hate a motherfucker,tolerate...
Those feelings I had for Lavon, I still have them. Something already happened between you two, hasn't it? Yes. You were the only person who knew how I really felt, and I don't think that I can ever...
you're not selling my ship in a bottle? if we're lucky. but i love that ship. it's the "ni�a. " willie, the reason we're having a garage sale is to get rid of things. we don't have to be...



僕はギャンブラー 麗しのギャンブラー 侍れ侍れ美しいものよ 信じる者に魂を惜しげもなくつぎこんだ くずってる暇があるなら 勝利の美酒に酔いましょう 自業自得の街道を 300㎞/h 走り抜けるぜ OH! 何を賭ける? イチかバチかエブリデイ ひっくりかえそう ダイスふろう 流れを変えてやろう 僕はジプシー 永遠のジプシー 内燃機関のサイクルは短い 南の島で恋に落ちて 野性の王国で居眠りするよ...



## I'll bet We've been together ## ## For a million years ## ## And I'll bet We'll be together ## ## For a million more ## ## Ooh, it's like I started breathin' ## ## On the night we kissed ## ## And...