Now that you've got your new tattoo, it's time to treat it gently like a fine piece of art deserves. I'm Jackie with How to Care for a Tattoo. Allowing the skin under the...
For those who like something a bit more modern, something I’ve noticed to be very popular right now is Conji, Asian characters. It’s basically handwriting. All you have to do is look at the design,...
FULL SLEEVE TATTOO GIRLS IDEAS and FULL SLEEVE TATTOO GIRLS Looking for the number one Tattoo Full sleeve Tattoo girls Design? What about Full Sleeve TATTOO Girls? Then go to...
Now once we have the basic flower shape, we're going to practice putting some little accent marks around the flower, which is what I call points and commas. Basically, that's what they...
Hallo Ihr Lieben Wir sind hier auf der Berliner Tattoo Convention mit ganz vielen bunten und verrückten Menschen. Sie findet dieses Mal im Sommer statt und auch in einer neuen Halle. Wir sind...
hey guys I get asked all time got my taxes from other girls and guys who wanna get a tattoo but they just can't decide what to get you know it's a hard decision it's gonna be...
Miles de amantes del mundo del tatuaje y el piercing se han dado cita en la Farga del Hospitalet, donde se pudieron ver una gran variedad de espectáculos, desfiladas, baile, break dance y arte urbano...
Hi, I'm Paula Broussard of Lotus Henna and I'm here for Expert Village talking about how to embellish a Henna art design using glitter and paste and jewels. If you like to learn more...
Now I'm going to go over some basic guidelines when you are using embellishment techniques. I guess for safety the most important thing to realize is when you are making the building paste...