>> ANNOUNCER: Tucked away on the unspoiled nature island of Dominica, Secret Bay offers sustainable luxury villas and bungalows and is the perfect place for a Caribbean honeymoon...
One of the most contemporary things nowadays,if we talk about being modern that is consume products and services of sustainable socioenvironmental origin. DOCTOR DIRECTOR OF STYLE AND CREATION...
>> ANNOUNCER: Imagine a place where luxury meets nature, where the jungle meets the beach, where pampered comfort meets absolute privacy. Imagine a place where stunning architecture...
Swim up bar at Hilton by TravelPod member cartercostarica Pool 2 by TravelPod member cartercostarica Our room by TravelPod member cartercostarica Looking out from just outside our room by TravelPod...
Ahdi Mohammed '13: This past spring, we went abroad to Costa Rica on the Mount Holyoke and Goucher program on sustainable development. We had a really amazing time. The professors are...



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my name is Vincent Bastien for over twenty five years I've been CEO of international companies both in luxury like Louis Vuitton Yves Saint Lauren Sanofi Beute and International Industries...