I've been just looking at that a little bit Nationally now I know that I committed sort of a 'cardinal sin' here because I am using USEPA's numbers and I know some of...



(Musik) (Musik und Applaus) Wir wissen alle, dass diese Wahl, in etwas mehr als einem Monat, entscheidend sein wird entscheidend, für die Bürgerinnen und Bürger in diesem Land, in Österreich. Aber...



Bitte votet bei der Radio Stmk-Abstimmung am 29.2. & 1.3.2012 für den Plannerhit! Wie? Infos auf www.planneralm.at Jo auf da Planneralm – do tuats uns so guat gfoin Do konnst den Winter...



Wir befinden uns in einer Zeit des Umbruchs, der besonderen Herausforderungen, der ganz außergewöhnlichen Belastungen eines Systems, das sich über Jahre etabliert hat. Wir haben keine Euro-Krise. Wir...



The history of the statehood of the Federal Gepublic of Germany since 1867 - administrative and territorial evolution from the point of view of the government (small terriotiral exchanges remain...
What is democracy? Democracy for me means the freedom that I can express my own view on all issues. I take part as well! In the age of almost 90 years. The people should be allowed to participate...



My little nephew Elias is four years old. In the evening, just before going to bed, he sometimes gets very philosophical. "Is it not the most beautiful thing that we are alive?"...
I can see myself staying there. Right now, I can see myself starting a family with her. Seriously. I wish you all the best. -- Thanks. Same to you. Anyway, we are both really excited about what we are...
Can you take off the sunglasses? I totally agree that somehow it does not yet work well on its own. Somehow it seems very fractured. I don't know. Maybe we should just watch it another time?...
This film shows the marketing and the factors which make the region an economic success. What is the “Styrian Vulkanland“ Project all about? The Vulkanland project emerged 15 years ago. At first in...